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Exams Planner (web service)

The Exams Planner web service offers the ability to the teachers to determine the date of a written exam in a department on the available dates.

Exams Planner outperforms the handwritten statement in the exam book. Some of the reasons are:

1) The teacher immediately and without any intermediate procedures indicates the available dates for the declaration of the date of a written exam in a department.

2) The declaration takes place with a click of the mouse on one of the available dates shown in the month calendar.

3) Teachers have their own passwords to access the Exams Planner. These passwords are automatically issued by the Exams Planner web service.

4) Using the Exams Planner, you no longer need to keep a book on which the dates of the written exams are recorded.

The Exams Planner simplifies the tasks that in the traditional way take a lot of time and effort to carry out. So, the school Exams Planner administrator can:

1) Easily view and print all exam statements to date.

2) View and print the dates of the written exams, declared by section.

3) View and print the dates predetermined by each teacher to take place a written exam in a department.

4) View and print the scheduled written exams of a specific date.

5) View and print the list of written exams, preannounced or not.

6) View and print the list of written exams, archived or not.

7) View and print in a list the written exams performed in each department.

8) Set the maximum number of the written exams that can take place in a day and in a week.

9) Prevent to take place a written exam on a specific day and time for special reasons for the whole school.

10) Prevent to take place a written exam on a specific day and time for special reasons for a specific department.

Τhe advantages and features of the Exams Planner web service are:

1) It is not installed on a specific computer. Teaching staff can immediately start using Exams Planner.

2) It is compatible with any operating system (MS Windows, MacOS, Apple IOS, Android, Windows Phone, Linux) and all known Web Browsers (MS Internet Explorer, MS Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera). The responsible administrator of the school's Exams Planner as well as the teachers can use their smart phone or tablet or computer to work with Exams Planner.

3) Each teacher can work with the Exams Planner from wherever he / she is. This feature is very useful for the teaching staff, the school principal and the Exams Planner administrator.

4) The administrator of the school's Exams Planner and the school principal can at any time know the status of exam statements. They can configure the settings using a smart phone or a tablet or a computer.

5) It works on a network.

6) There is no requirement to keep a backup of the database. Data is always safe. There is no risk of data loss. Data is always transmitted with very strong encryption.

7) Exams Planner is not vulnerable to potential damage of your computer or virus infection.

8) It is not affected by the settings of each user device (e.g., correct date, date format, screen resolution, etc.).

9) The response is immediate with stability because it operates on the cloud.

10) All future upgrades will be available immediately without the need to take any action on your part.

11) The Exams Planner administrator and the teaching staff of your school may use the Exams Planner during the school holidays. Exams Planner is available 24 hours for each day of the school year. Teachers may use it from their home or any place they have access to the internet.

You may use Exams Planner in the free trial period for the months of July to October. You need to subscribe to the service and get a license of use from November to June. The price for use out of trial period is 20 EURO.

Copyright © 2008 by S. CHR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT. All Rights Reserved.
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